Download the resources you needed

Go to download ruby for using gem in cmd, you need download two packages:

  • Ruby 2.2.2 (x64)
  • DevKit-mingw64-64-4.7.2-20130224-1432-sfx.exe

Extract devkit to a directory, go into it and execute ruby dk.rb init, then open config.yml and add the home of ruby at the bottom, like ‘ - C:\Ruby22-x64’(you should use your ruby home).

Execute ruby dk.rb install


Because writer is in china, the F*** GFW stop me to visit rubygems, so I need to use an local image to instead of it

gem sources --remove
gem sources -a

Then you can install jekyll

gem install jekyll

Set up your web site

Make a directory as the home of your web site, and then initialize jekyll in it

  • Make directory
mkdir leonblog
  • Add git to it, create branch gh-pages and use this branch
cd leonblog
git init
git checkout  --orphan gh-pages
  • Create a new repository in your github, I use leonblog

  • Initialize jekyll add commit it to github

jekyll new .
git add .
git commit -m "set up leon's blog"
git remote add origin
git push origin gh-pages


Visit or execute jekyll serv and open http://localhost:4000/leonblog in your browser


If there some display issues of the layout in github

  • open _config.yml file

  • change the baseurl, url and github_username to your real url in github

  • add “highlighter: pygments” and “layout: post”

  • open index.html file

  • change the layout to post

Commit changes to github

git commit -am "comments of your changes"
git push origin gh-pages

Refresh the web page, you can get the newest website.

Add syntax highlight support

Use template made by others

There are so many existing jekyll template for you to use, you can find them here:

I’m using

Publish your first article

You can post your article in folder ./_posts, the name should be YYYY-MM-DD-<The article name>.markdown, so this article named 2015-09-03-set-up-blog-by-jekyllsite-on-github.markdown for example. Of cause you can use html to instead of markdown, but markdown is much sample and easy to write. You can find how to write markdown here: